Friday, January 30, 2009

In Remembrance of My Daughter on this her 38th Birthday

God's blessings to all on this another day He has given to us. With this being my daughter, Christy's, 38th birthday I have been thinking along the lines of sharing with you a time of remembrance. As some of you probably know from reading my book, "Tried by Fire", Christy went to be with the Lord on Christmas Day morning, 1989. Christy was a child of God and called to the Mission field. Her faith was strong and she had an awesome capacity for loving. She did not 'pick and choose' her friends or those to love. She accepted everyone and was there for everyone and anyone to share her faith, her compassion, her wisdom, and her help if at all possible. She was an extraordinary person.

For anyone who has lost a loved one, you can understand the grief you encounter. But, I believe, the greatest grief of all is the loss of a child. That is a grief and a loss that you never fully get over. But, I am here to tell you that God walks through it with you. When it seems as though everyone else has left you, God has not. He said "I will never leave you nor forsake you". He said, "I will be a father, a mother, a brother to you." And, I believe.....even a son or daughter. He wraps His arms of love around us and holds us. He comforts us with a love and peace that passes all understanding. We don't understand sometimes why things happen in this world the way they do, other than the fact that we are suffering the results of the 'fall of man', but we can rest assured we are in God's hands. He cares, and He will comfort us if we will only allow Him to. One day, if we live for Christ, we will see our loved ones again. We will see that son or that daughter that has gone before us. I so long for that day. I smile when I think of Christy in her glorious, heavenly body. The fact that she's no longer suffering. She stood the test and she has heard him say, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant". She 'fought the fight, and kept the faith'. Days and nights were long, dark and difficult for me as I, alone, stood with her during her twenty-seven-month illness, but, I also knew I wasn't alone. God was with me. And, He will be with you no matter what you are going through. No matter what you are facing. No matter what might come your way. God IS with you. Amen & Amen!!!

In remembrance of Christy I would like to share a poem I found:

Thinking of You with Love
We thought of you with love today,
but that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday,
and days before that too.
We think of you in silence,
we often speak your name.
All we have are memories,
and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake,
with which we will never part.
God has you in His keeping,
we have you in our hearts.
A million times we`ve wanted you.
A million times we cried.
If love could only have saved you,
you never would have died.
It broke our hearts to lose you.
But you didn`t go alone.
For a part of us went with you...
the day God called you Home.
~Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Jodi,

    I consider it a blessing beyond words to be known and loved by you. Your heart has been
    written on this page and in the words of this blog. I am beyond happiness and beyond honor to be the man in your life, your husband. This message was so moving, it brings tears to my eyes in the fact that I was not there, but in some way, I feel that I was, with you, if not physically, but in Spirit, during that time.

    I Love You, Forever

